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SolGold PLC Announces Half-Yearly Financial Report

Thursday, 14 February 2019 03:20 AM

SolGold PLC

Quarterly MD&A Filed in Canada

BISHOPSGATE, LONDON / ACCESSWIRE / February 14, 2019 / The Board of SolGold (LSE and TSX code: SOLG) is pleased to advise all shareholders and interested investors of the release of the Company's interim financial results for the half year ended 31 December 2018. The interim financial report is included as part of this announcement.

Further, the Board advises shareholders and interested investors that the Company's website also contains access to additional information required to be filed on Sedar in Canada in connection with the Company's quarterly financial period ended 31 December 2018. This additional information is available in the Financial Reports section of theInvestor Centre on the Company's website:

By order of the Board

Karl Schlobohm

Company Secretary


Nicholas Mather

SolGold Plc (Chief Executive Officer) [email protected]

Tel: +61 (0) 7 3303 0665

+61 (0) 417 880 448

Karl Schlobohm

SolGold Plc (Company Secretary) [email protected]

Tel: +61 (0) 7 3303 0661

Anna Legge

SolGold Plc (Corporate Communications) [email protected]

Tel: +44 (0) 20 3823 2131

Gordon Poole / Nick Hennis Camarco (Financial PR / IR) [email protected]

Tel: +44 (0) 20 3757 4997

Andrew Chubb / Ingo Hofmaier Hannam & Partners (Financial Advisor) [email protected]

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7907 8500

James Kofman / Darren Wallace

Cormark Securities Inc. (Financial Advisor)

[email protected]

Tel: +1 416 943 6411

Follow us on twitter @SolGold_plc





Brian Moller (Non-Executive Chairman)

Nicholas Mather (Executive Director)

Robert Weinberg (Non-Executive Director)

Craig Jones (Non-Executive Director)

James Clare (Non-Executive Director)


Karl Schlobohm


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The Directors present their report on the company and its controlled entities for the half year ended 31 December 2018. SolGold plc is a public limited company incorporated in England and Wales.


The names of the Directors in office at any time during or since the end of the period are:

Brian Moller (Non-Executive Director)

Nicholas Mather (Executive Director)

Robert Weinberg (Non-Executive Director)

John Bovard (Non-Executive Director) - retired 20 December 2018

Craig Jones (Non-Executive Director)

James Clare (Non-Executive Director)

Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year to the date of this report unless otherwise stated.


The principal activities of SolGold plc (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together "SolGold" or the "Group") are exploration for copper, gold and other minerals in Ecuador, Solomon Islands and Queensland, Australia.


The loss after tax for the Company for the half-year ended 31 December 2018 was A$37,892,291 (31 December 2017 loss of A$11,712,027).

Exploration Activities

Cascabel Project (Ecuador)

The Cascabel Project is located on the northern section of the prolific Andean Copper belt, renowned as the base for nearly half of the world's copper production. The project area hosts mineralisation of Eocene age, the same age as numerous Tier 1 deposits along the Andean Copper Belt in Chile and Peru to the south. The project base is located at Rocafuerte in northern Ecuador, approximately three hours' drive north of Quito, close to water, power supply and Pacific ports. Having fulfilled its earn in requirements, SolGold is a registered shareholder with an unencumbered legal and beneficial 85% interest in Exploraciones Novomining S.A.("ENSA") which holds 100% of the Cascabel tenement covering approximately 50km2, and subject to a royalty which may be purchased by SolGold for US$4.0m at development decision. Following the preparation of a Feasibility Study by ENSA, Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. ("Cornerstone") - which currently holds a 15% interest in ENSA - will be obligated to contribute to the funding of ENSA including its proportionate share of historic expenditure.

The Alpala deposit is the main target in the Cascabel concession. Alpala has produced some of the greatest drill hole intercepts in porphyry copper-gold exploration history, as exemplified by Hole 12 (CSD-16-012) returning 1560m grading 0.59% copper and 0.54 g/t gold including, 1044m grading 0.74% copper and 0.54 g/t gold.

Over 180,000m of diamond drilling has been completed on the project. With 12 rigs currently active on the project, SolGold produces up to approximately 10,000m of core every month. SolGold is encouraged by recent drilling results, expected to further expand and enrich the existing resource base at Alpala. The Company is also excited about notable drill hole results outside the previous resource area which promise further growth for the 2019 drilling campaign ahead.

Since the publication of the Alpala Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate in January 2018, which outlined a contained metal inventory of 5.2 million tonnes of copper and 12.6 million ounces of gold, the Company has nearly doubled both drilled and reported meterage.

The November 2018 Alpala MRE update, dated 15 November 2018, was estimated from 68,173 assays, with 66,739 assays representing diamond drill core samples, and 1,434 assays representing rock-saw channel samples cut from surface rock exposures. Drill core samples were obtained from total of 133,576m of drilling comprising 128 diamond drill holes, including 75 drill holes comprising, 34 daughter holes, 8 redrills, and 11 over-runs, and represents full assay data from holes 1-67 and partial assay data received from holes 68 to 75. Rock-saw samples were obtained from 2,743m of rock-saw cuts from 262 surface rock exposure trenches. In contrast, the Dec 2017 Maiden MRE was estimated from 26,814 assays obtained from 53,616m of drilling comprising 45 drill holes, including 10 daughter holes and 5 redrills.

There now exists approximately triple the amount of drilling and assay information since the maiden MRE of December 2017, and this has resulted in significant growth in tonnage (approximately 273%) and contained metal (approximately 108%) and a far greater proportion of the MRE now being in the Indicated Mineral Resource category (2018: 77%, 2017:40%).

The November 2018 Alpala updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) totals a current:

2,050 Mt @ 0.60% CuEq (at 0.2% CuEq cut-off) in the Indicated category, and 900 Mt @ 0.35% CuEq (at 0.2% CuEq cut-off) in the Inferred category.

Contained metal content of 8.4 Mt Cu and 19.4 Moz Au in the Indicated category.

Contained metal content of 2.5 Mt Cu and 3.8 Moz Au in the Inferred category.

Drill testing of the Aguinaga and Trivinio target has commenced, whilst the numerous other untested targets, namely at Moran, Cristal, Tandayama-America and Chinambicito, are flagged for drill testing as overall program demands allow.

3D modelling of key geological parameters for the Alpala deposit has resulted in completion of dynamic models for geology, veining, alteration and copper and gold grades, all of which are constantly updated as drilling progresses.

A number of studies have been completed in anticipation of future requirements for economic assessment including:

Landform assessment - identifying suitable locations for processing plant and other infrastructure.

Weathering, swelling clay, fault condition, fracture count modelling, and RQD assessments - providing a basis for geotechnical parameters to feed into minability characterisation

Hydrogeological data collection

A 3D airborne laser scanning, light detection and ranging (LiDAR) topographic survey was completed in November 2018 by SAI - Serviços Aéreos Industrias. Processing and approval of final data is underway and final data is expected to be available for use by Q1 2019. The LiDAR survey will provide high resolution topographic control for future studies planned for the advancement of the Cascabel project.

The company believes there remains strong potential for further growth with the 2019 drilling campaign to continue to expand the deposit at Alpala SE, Alpala NW, Trivinio and Alpala Western Limb.

Other Projects (Ecuador)

A comprehensive, nation-wide desktop study has been undertaken by the Company's independent experts to analyse the available regional topographic, geological, geochemical and gravity data over the prospective magmatic belts of Ecuador, with the aim of understanding the controls to copper-gold mineralization on a regional scale. The Company has delineated and ranked regional exploration targets for the potential to contain significant copper-gold deposits. As a result of this study, the Company formed four new 100% owned subsidiary companies in Ecuador; Carnegie Ridge Resources S.A., Green Rock Resources S.A., Cruz del Sol S.A. and Valle Rico Resources S.A. These subsidiaries currently hold 73 mineral concessions over approximately 3,200 km2.

Based on the results of this initial exploration, 11 priority targets have been identified for second phase exploration in Ecuador. Ongoing exploration will focus on advancing these priority projects, through geophysical surveys and detailed soil geochemistry, with a view to progress to drill testing as soon as permissions are in place. The 11 priority projects are as follows:


La Hueca;


Cisne Loja;

Cisne Loja Target 15;


Rio Armarillo;



Sharug; and

Cisne Victoria.

The ongoing exploration program on these projects will focus on:

Delineation of geochemical anomalies

Mapping of alteration phases to understand the probable location of metals in the system

Aeromagnetic surveys to support sampling programs

Queensland Projects (Australia)

SolGold continues to hold tenements across central and southeast Queensland through its wholly owned subsidiaries Central Minerals and Acapulco Mining.


EPM 25300 Cooper Consolidated

EPM 19639 Goovigen Consolidated

EPM 19243 Lonesome

EPM 18760 Westwood

EPM 18032 Cracow West


EPM 19410 Normanby

EPM 25245 Mount Perry

No exploration activities were conducted on the Queensland tenements during this period.

Exploration activities have been planned for Central Minerals EPM 18760 including a soil sampling and follow up drilling north east of drill hole WWD001. A renewal of a land access agreement is required for this work to be completed (the current access agreement expires in March and the proposed program will not be completed before it expires).

Further details on exploration programs on other Queensland tenements will be finalised in coming months with a commitment to maintain and progress the concessions.

Solomon Islands Projects

The Kuma project lies just to the south-west of a series of major NW-SE-trending arcparallel faults, associated with numerous Cu and Au anomalies in streams and soils. The project area overlies a 3.5‐kilometre wide, annular, caldera‐like topographic feature. Annular and nested topographic anomalies in the region suggest the presence of extensive batholiths of the Koloula Diorite beneath the volcanic cover of the Suta Volcanics. The prospect geology is dominated by a 4km by 1km lithocap. This extensive zone of argillic and advanced argillic alteration is caused by hydrothermal fluids that emanate from the top of porphyry copper-gold mineralising systems, and thus provides a buried porphyry copper-gold target.

The geochemically anomalous portion of the Kuma lithocap (north-west end) lies within the annular topographic anomaly. Kuma has a spectacular oxidised float boulder trail along the Kuma River and was traced to Alemba and Kolovelo creeks which led to discovery of broad hydrothermal alteration zones and lithocap (Figure 6).

Previous exploration at Kuma included extensive geochemical sampling (BLEG, rock chip and channel samples), geological mapping, a magnetic survey and an electromagnetic survey. Geochemical results define a central zone of manganese depletion (Mn < 200 ppm) inferred to indicate the destruction of mafic minerals by hydrothermal alteration. Zinc > 75 ppm forms an annulus to this zone, and Molybdenum > 4 ppm lies along the margins of the manganese low indicating potential for porphyry CuAu mineralisation at depth. TerraSpec spectral analysis of sieved coarse fraction soil samples covering the Kuma lithocap in integration with known geology in the prospect area has highlighted a primary porphyry target centre in the northern portion of the lithocap that SolGold plans to drill test upon granting of tenure.

SolGold received notification of the grant of the permit to explore the Kuma prospect on the 26 July 2018.


On 4 October 2018, the Company issued an additional 550,000 shares at £0.28 as a result of the exercise of options previously issued to contractors of the Company in 2016.

On 11 October 2018, the Company issued an additional 9,795,884 shares at £0.14 to raise A$2.51 million (£1.37 million) in cash as a result of the exercise of Maxit Capital LP's options.

On 11 October 2018, the Company issued an additional 9,795,884 shares at £0.28 to raise A$5.03 million (£2.74 million) in cash as a result of the exercise of Maxit Capital LP's options.

On 17 October, the Company issued an additional 100,000,000 shares at £0.45 to raise A$83.02 million (£45 million) in cash to BHP Billiton Holdings Limited ("BHP").

On 29 October 2018, the Company issued an additional 20,624,553 shares at £0.28 as a result of the exercise of options previously issued to employees of the Company in 2016. Of this total 19,950,000 were funded through the Company Funded Loan Plan and 674,553 were paid for in cash.

On 6 November 2018, the Company issued a total of 82,875,000 unlisted options to Employees and Contractors. The options have a strike price of £0.60 each and are exercisable through to 5 November 2021.

On 8 November 2018, the Company issued an additional 2,596,826 shares at £0.3888 to BHP pursuant to "top-up-rights" held by BHP pursuant to its Share Subscription Agreement. The allotment price was based on the 10-day VWAP, in accordance with the terms of the Share Subscription Agreement.

On 26 November 2018, the Company issued an additional 6,712,200 shares at £0.3714 to Newcrest International Pty Ltd ("Newcrest International"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Newcrest Mining Ltd pursuant to "top-up-rights" held by Newcrest International pursuant to the Newcrest Subscription Agreement (as varied). The allotment price was based on the 10-day VWAP, in accordance with the terms of the Newcrest Subscription Agreement.

On 20 December 2018, the Company issued a total of 11,375,000 unlisted options to Directors. The options have a strike price of £0.60 each and are exercisable through to 20 December 2021.

At 31 December 2018 the Company had a total of 1,846,321,033 ordinary shares and 162,512,000 options in issue.


The Group achieved several milestones during the half year ended 31 December 2018. These included:

Entering into an agreement with BHP Billiton Holdings Limited to successfully complete a placement of 100 million shares at 45p to raise A$83.02 million (£45 million).

The completion of an updated Mineral Resource Estimate at the Company's Alpala Porphyry Copper-Gold deposit increasing the resource to 2,050 Mt @0.60% CuEq (at 0.2% CuEq cut-off) in the Indicated Category and 900 Mt @0.35% CuEq (at 0.2% CuEq cut-off) in the Inferred category.

Recognised as Explorer of the year at the Mines and Money Outstanding Achievements Awards London for the second consecutive year.


On 3 January 2019, the Company announced the filing on SEDAR of independent NI 43-101 Technical Report on an updated mineral resource estimate ("MRE#2") for the Alpala Deposit completed by SRK Consulting (UK) Limited. The MRE#2 comprises 2,050 Mt grading 0.60% copper equivalent ("CuEq") of Indicated Mineral Resources for a contained metal content of 8.4 Mt copper ("Cu") and 19.4 Moz gold ("Au"), and 900 Mt grading 0.35% CuEq of Inferred Mineral Resources for 2.5 Mt Cu and 3.8 Moz Au, using a 0.2% CuEq cut-off grade.

On 31 January 2019, the Company announced that it intends, subject to various conditions, to make an offer to purchase all of the issued and outstanding common shares (the "Cornerstone Shares") of Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. for consideration consisting of ordinary shares of SolGold (the "SolGold Shares"). If the Offer is successfully completed, holders of Cornerstone Shares who tender their shares under the Offer will receive 0.55 of a SolGold Share in exchange for every Cornerstone Share tendered.

The Directors are not aware of any other significant changes in the state of affairs of the Group or events after balance date that would have a material impact on the half year consolidated financial statements.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the board of Directors.

Nicholas Mather

Executive Director


13 February 2019

Qualified Person

Information in this report relating to the exploration results is based on data reviewed by Mr. Jason Ward (B.Sc. Hons Geol.), the Chief Geologist of the Company. Mr. Ward is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, holds the designation MAusIMM (CP), and has in excess of 20 years' experience in mineral exploration and is a Qualified Person for the purposes of the relevant LSE and TSX Rules. Mr. Ward consents to the inclusion of the information in the form and context in which it appears.

Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the full announcement.

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