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Leading Scientific and Technological Innovation by C.C.M Global Convergence, Empowering Commodity Circulation by Using Blockchain Technology

Friday, 29 November 2019 08:40 AM

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / November 29, 2019 / With the rapid development of science and technology in the information age, digitization has gradually become the general trend of the market economy. Digital Technologies, including big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and block chain, when combined with any traditional industry, will produce gigantic amounts of energy and generate more efficient new economic organization models.

Focus on the global economic development pattern, C.C.M Global Convergence has concentrated on the application of these high-tech technologies in the field of commodity circulation, and found that the blockchain technology is naturally corresponding to the field of commodity circulation as the underlying infrastructure. In the process of combination with the circulation of commodities, the safety and effectiveness of global trade can be greatly improved, and the operating costs and bad debt rate of commodity circulation can also be reduced.

Southfashion, Friday, November 29, 2019, Press release picture

As one of the first financial science and technology enterprises to lay out blockchain technology in the field of commodity circulation in our country, C.C.M Global Convergence launched the 100-year development plan of CCM-ISR appropriately, which has made a great breakthrough in data security and information storage. eSignatory, a blockchain identity signature system, is a set of underlying system for authentication combined with the identity issuing official nodes (public security system, industrial and commercial system, credit system, etc.) and the third largest data registration enterprise nodes (bank, insurance, telecommunication, shopping website, transportation, etc.) as the consensus nodes based on blockchain technology. Through comprehensive validation behaviors such as time stamps, space stamps, identity stamps, behavior stamps, approval stamps, and verification stamps, to provide behavioral identification and smart contract confirmation services for the 100-year development plan of CCM-ISR, allowing all interactive sections (including but not limited to member registration, conversion payment, mall sales, etc.) can easily conduct comprehensive identity verification and data streaming, and one-click trigger of contract signing, comprehensive registration, behavior confirmation as well as data and behavior record, which sharply reduce the occurrence of transaction disputes and the risks that may occur during the transaction in the process of the transaction. In this business model based on blockchain technology, everyone's data or behavior can be tracked, which greatly ensures the security and timeliness of the data.

Southfashion, Friday, November 29, 2019, Press release picture

Over the years, C.C.M Global Convergence has always adhered to scientific and technological innovation and self-reliance, which has not only built a self-developed blockchain platform using underlying technology, but also implemented the innovative applications of blockchain underlying network in terms of information trace-ability, digital storage certificate, asset securitization and other aspects. The enterprise-level blockchain framework system researched and developed by our company is suitable for a variety of business scenarios. It attempted direct point-to-point docking in the international exchange, equity registration and commodity trading, and made major breakthroughs, which has eliminated many intermediate links for global commodity circulation, simplified the telegraphic transfer process of financial institutions, and made transactions between different subjects more quickly.

The World Economic Forum founder Klaus schwab said: "Blockchain technology will be the core technology of the fourth technological revolution." At present, companies in various countries and regions around the world are robbing this highland. Hainan province, the largest special economic zone in China, pilot zone for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and major national strategic service guarantee area, has the advantage of market environment in blockchain technology as one of the most open areas of the future. C.C.M Global Convergence regards Hainan as the layout of the operation of new commodity circulation economy, which quickly made remarkable achievements in the industry. Utilizing the decentralization nature of the blockchain and the performance of distributed storage databases, CCM Global Convergence gradually broke the bottleneck of the traditional commodity economy. Through data protocol encryption algorithm and consensus mechanism, information is transmitted point-to-point to all nodes in this block, forming a new commodity circulation ecosystem with open, tamper resistance, decentralization and traceability.

Southfashion, Friday, November 29, 2019, Press release picture

In 2019, the blockchain technology is officially supported by the country. C.C.M Global Convergence once again digs deep into the new commodity circulation economy, and lays out in depth in the fields of industry demonstration, commodity trading system integration, financial derivatives trading, blockchain technology development and application. The integration of big data, the Internet of things and artificial intelligence will further facilitate the rapid realization of global interconnection of everything and financial upgrading.

The brilliant night of C.C.M Global Convergence will rise its curtain in Sanya, Hainan, held by C.C.M Global Convergence on December 18, 2019. And the launch ceremony of four global projects of C.C.M Global Convergence, aiming at real economy, digital economy, service platform and public welfare activities, will also be held. At the same time, it is the Annual Conference and Awards of C.C.M Global Convergence. By solemnly planning of enterprise blueprints and rewarding outstanding employees, CCM Global Convergence will fully stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the team, and work with all forces to accelerate the iterative upgrade of the new commodity circulation economy all around the world.

Southfashion, Friday, November 29, 2019, Press release picture

Company Name: Southfashion
Contact Person: Helen Nie

SOURCE: Southfashion

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