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Russian Media Translations Provide Insights on the Latest Developments in Russia Including MEMRI Archives on Prominent Russian Political Philosopher And Strategist Alexander Dugin

Monday, 22 August 2022 08:00 PM

Middle East Media Research Institute

WASHINGTON, DC / ACCESSWIRE / August 22, 2022 / In light of the recent car bombing that killed Darya Dugina, the daughter of prominent Russian political philosopher and strategist Alexander Dugin, we would like to remind readers that the MEMRI Russian Media Studies Project (RMSP) publishes up-to-the-minute translations and analyses of Russian media. Sign up today for a free subscription to the MEMRI RMSP, so you can follow the latest developments in Russia.

Below are reports and video clips featuring Darya Dugina and her father Alexander Dugin from the MEMRI Russian Media Studies Project archives.

Russian Political Analyst Daria Dugina: Eastern Ukraine Will Likely Accept A 'Eurasian Empire'; The West Is Totalitarian, Racist, Nazi; Russia-China Alliance Is Probable; There Is No Room For Anti-War Voices, March 19, 2022.

Russian Philosopher Alexander Dugin: Russia Losing In Ukraine Would Mean The End Of The World; The Only Option Is Full-Scale Victory, Emergence Of A New Multipolar World Order, May 20, 2022.

Purported Putin-Whisperer Dugin: 'Solar' Putin Must Mobilize The Entire Russian People To Win The Struggle Between The Forces Of Light And The Forces Of Darkness, April 7, 2022.

Russian Anti-Liberal Philosopher Dugin: 'The Third Rome [Moscow] Is Putting A Limit To The New Carthage [The West]', March 21, 2022.

Dugin: In Ukraine, Russia Is Fighting Liberal World Order; This Is A War Of Ideas; If Trump Were In Power, None Of This Would Have Happened; Putin Embodies Russian State, He Is A Monarch By Popular Demand; If Russia Loses, There Will Be No World, No Humanity, March 21, 2022.

Prominent Russian Philosopher Alexander Dugin On Ukraine War: Russian-Western Relations Are Just Beginning; The West Must Take Us Seriously Now, Engage In Real Dialogue, March 14, 2022.

Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin: It Is Not Just About 'Restoring The Territorial Integrity' Of The Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) And Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), It Is About 'Ukraine's Liberation', February 25, 2022.

Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin: 'Glory To Novorossiya! The Second Great Slavic Reconquista Has Begun', February 23, 2022.

Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin In Article Titled 'Russia And China As The Vanguard Of Multipolarity': The West-Led Unipolarity Is 'Collapsing', February 7, 2022.

Visions Of The Post-Coronavirus World: Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin: If The West Collapses, Then Bourgeois Democracy And Capitalism Will Collapse Everywhere Including Russia, June 16, 2020.

Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin: The New Multi-Polar World Order Is Upon Us, Where Russia, China And Even The United States, Can Survive By Suspending Democracy, April 22, 2020.

Russian Political Analyst Alexander Dugin: It Would Not Be a Negative Thing for Iran to Develop Nuclear Weapons in Order to Prevent Israel, U.S. from Using Nuclear Weapons against Iran, February 11, 2020.

Contemporary Russian Thinkers Series - Russian Anti-Liberal Philosopher Alexander Dugin Articulates Russia's Unofficial Ideology: Eurasianism, December 2, 2019.

Dugin Vs Surkov: Putinism Won't Last Forever; Putin Is Only A Compromise Between The Elites And The People, February 21, 2019.

Russian Anti-Liberal Philosopher Dugin: Under Putin, Sovereignty Is Getting Stronger, But Russian Identity Is In A Sickly State, March 25, 2018.

Russia's Orbit - Russian Anti-Liberal Philosopher Dugin: Serbs Must Ally With Russia To Salvage Sovereignty And Territorial Integrity, September 7, 2017.

Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin: 'Who Are You Mr. Trump?', May 23, 2017.

The Fourth Political Theory - Russian Anti-Liberal Philosopher Dugin: The Alternative To Liberalism Is 'Returning To The Middle Ages', February 16, 2017.

Russian Anti-Liberal Philosopher Dugin: 'If Washington's Attention Will Be Focused On The Far East… [Russia Has] The Chance To Quickly Resolve [Its] Tasks In The Middle East And, Most Importantly, In The Eurasian Space', February 2, 2017.

The MEMRI Russian Media Studies Project offers a free subscription to translations and analyses of statements and trends in Russian politics, diplomacy, think tanks, military, and media.

The RMSP, launched in 2016, publishes its analyses and translations from Russian into English and other languages, along with its analyses and translations from Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Urdu, and Pashto, in order to inform media, academia, legislatures, governments, and the public at large.

Over the last six years, the MEMRI RMSP has monitored, 24/7, topics including Russia's foreign and domestic policy: Russia-U.S. relations, anti-U.S. indoctrination, cyber war, the rising U.S.-Russia military tensions, Russia-China relations, Russia-Turkey relations, Russia-Iran relations, Russia-NATO relations, the Russia-U.S.-NATO clash over Ukraine, Russia's intervention in Syria, Russia's geopolitical interests, Russia's influence in Europe and its potential allies, Russia's return to the developing world including Latin America, Russia's vision of the post-coronavirus world, Russia's rivalry with the U.S. in the former Soviet republics and in the Arctic, and energy and arms shipments as force multipliers of Russian diplomacy.

Subscribe to receive free updates from the Russian Media Studies Project here.


Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today to the MEMRI Russian Media Studies Project, so that we can continue this vital work.


Exploring the Middle East and South Asia through their media, MEMRI bridges the language gap between the West and the Middle East and South Asia, providing timely translations of Arabic, Farsi, Urdu-Pashtu, Dari, Turkish, Russian, and Chinese media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends.

Founded in February 1998 to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East, MEMRI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization. MEMRI's main office is located in Washington, DC, with branch offices in various world capitals. MEMRI research is translated into English, French, Polish, Japanese, Spanish, and Hebrew.

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SOURCE: Middle East Media Research Institute

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