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Wes Chapman of The Human Gathering Reviews 2022 Data on the Power of Human Connection

Thursday, 08 December 2022 03:00 AM

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 8, 2022 / The Human Gathering is a truly unique experience. Founders Wesley Chapman and Jordan Jordison have taken the time to curate and bring together a group of influential people from all walks of life to have conversations about some of the world's most pressing problems. Through these conversations, they hope to generate new ideas and solutions that can make a real difference in the world.

They have opened conversations on tackling issues such as human trafficking, institutional racism, the global food crisis, and much more. Importantly, they have also been able to create tangible changes as a result of their efforts. Through conversations that lead to beneficial partnerships and connections then lead to new policies being enacted that are helping to address institutional racism, the global food crisis, equal rights in the workplace and more.

Humankind has always been a social creature. From the time that we lived in small tribes, we have gathered together for safety, for warmth, and for support. In modern times, we continue to gather together for all of those reasons, and more. We gather to celebrate birthdays and holidays. We gather to mourn our dead. We gather to protest injustice. And sometimes, we gather just for the sake of gathering. The Human Gathering is one of those times. Started in 2016 by Wes Chapman and Jordan Jordison, The Human Gathering hosts an annual event that brings people together from all walks of life for the purpose of connection and community. Over the years, The Human Gathering has grown in popularity, attracting people from all over the world.

As the world slowly begins to return to normalcy, one annual event that is eagerly anticipated by many is The Human Gathering. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Human Gathering had to be placed on hold in 2020 and 2021. However, the organizers of The Human Gathering, Wes Chapman and Jordan Jordison, were able to resume the event again in 2022. As we are entering 2023, The Human Gathering has become even more established. Joshua Jordison and Wes Chapman are excited for their March 2023 Gathering.

The COVID-19 pandemic has opened many conversations around the workplace initiatives to create a stable and secure place of work for their employees and the apparent lack of healthcare services for many people. There was a life before the COVID-19 pandemic and afterwards, but one thing that was missing was human connection so, Jordison and Chapman are hopeful that 2023 will be a year of healing and connection for all. The time in lockdown has forced many people to review what is important in their lives. For some, this has meant spending more time with family and friends, while for others it has meant taking a closer look at their career and making changes accordingly. The one thing that has been missing for many people during this time is human connection. The Human Gathering provides an opportunity for people to come together and re-connect with one another. In a world that has been so effectively divided by the pandemic, events like The Human Gathering are more important than ever before.

In 2022, people were ready to connect with their families, friends, and coworkers. They missed that connection and now saw it as something to appreciate instead of take for granted. Founder Wes Chapman took the time to review data about the power of human connection and what it meant in 2022. The Human Gathering itself saw an increase of interest in members due to peoples' eagerness to create new connections and make a change in this world.

Wes Chapman states, "In the reviews made by our members I saw it apparent that people were excited to connect. In recent years many issues that were swept under the rug were highlighted and brought to the forefront of peoples' minds, now that we are on the other side of it we are excited to start the conversations that will ignite a difference."

People are ready to connect with others and make a difference in the world. They don't want to take their relationships for granted anymore and are willing to put in the effort to maintain healthy connections.

Wes Chapman has long been fascinated by the power of human connection. After years of research and observation, he's come to believe that the key to a happy and fulfilling life is found in strong relationships with others. And so, when he set out to create The Human Gathering, he made sure that connection would be at the heart of the experience.

As the Human Gathering works with many CEO's, Founders and Executives many of the conversations and data reviewed by Wes Chapman was the importance of human connection in the workplace. As Stated in Forbes Magazine, "The vast majority (88%) say that improving culture and connection is one of their top priorities. Among those who don't offer an integrated technology platform to support workplace connections, 83% have plans to move in this direction, noting that this would improve people's day-to-day work experience (92%) and make them more likely to stay with their company (87%).

Since the beginning of time, humans have gathered together for various reasons. Whether it was to hunt for food, trade goods, or simply socialize, the act of coming together as a group has always been an important part of our species. Today, gathering together is still an essential part of who we are, but the way we do it has changed quite a bit. Thanks to advances in technology, we can now connect with people all over the world without ever leaving our homes. But while this convenience has its advantages, it's also led to a growing disconnect between people. That's why Wes Chapman decided to create the 2023 Human Gathering: a three-day experience that celebrates the power of human connection.

Chapman realized that in order to create a truly meaningful gathering, he would need to take into account all of the reviews left by previous members and the data of how the power of the human connection has affected them. With this information, he was able to put together an event that will not only provide attendees with a chance to connect with others on a deeper level, but also teach them about the importance of maintaining those relationships.

The 2023 Human Gathering is sure to be a life-changing experience for everyone who attends and Wesley Chapman and Jordan Jordison are confident that the Human Gathering will help people to realign their lives with what truly matters: relationships with others. He hopes that attendees will leave the Gathering feeling refreshed, inspired and ready to take on the world with renewed vigor and purpose.

Wesley Chapman

SOURCE: The Human Gathering

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