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Generaitiv: Unleashing the Power of AI Customization and Decentralized Computing with Stage 2 Updates

Tuesday, 06 June 2023 07:45 AM

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / June 6, 2023 / In the ever-evolving world of decentralized finance and cryptocurrency, Generaitiv has emerged as a trailblazer in the AI industry. With its native token, $GAI, and a decentralized network that leverages AI and powerful GPUs, Generaitiv aims to create a fair, collaborative, and innovative ecosystem. As the much-anticipated Stage 2 Update approaches on June 8th, 2023, Generaitiv is thrilled to unveil a series of groundbreaking enhancements that will captivate users, advance AI generation, and empower AI model builders and prompt engineers.

Benefit with $GAI Staking:

With the Stage 2 Update, Generaitiv introduces the revolutionary $GAI staking feature, enabling users to distribute $GAI tokens and earn substantial benefits. By supporting the soon to be released Generaitiv Decentralized Compute Network (GDCN), users contribute to the network's strength and unlock even greater potential in Stage 3. For technical details and information on this cutting-edge addition, consult Generaitiv's comprehensive whitepaper.

Stage 2 Highlights

Unveiling Model Analytics:

Generaitiv understands the importance of metrics and insights in the AI field. With the introduction of Model Analytics, users gain access to comprehensive metrics and usage statistics for various AI models. This invaluable feature enhances understanding and enables users to make data-driven decisions based on accurate and real-time usage statistics of their models. Statistics will allow contributors to make key changes to sustain growth and exposure while optimizing the model itself.

Model Provenance: Recognizing AI Model Developers:

Generaitiv places great emphasis on recognizing the intellectual contributions of AI model developers. Through the Model Provenance feature, Generaitiv ensures that these innovative minds receive fair credit and appreciation for their work. By acknowledging and rewarding model developers, Generaitiv fosters a collaborative and supportive environment. The Generaitiv Model Provenance feature uses multiple analysis vectors to ensure image origins can be tracked and fair credit given to creators.

Empowerment through Prompt Masking:

Prompt engineering plays a pivotal role in AI customization, and Generaitiv takes this to the next level with Prompt Masking. This innovative feature allows prompt templates to be securely shared by producers on the Generaitiv platform. Prompt templates can be purchased using non-fungible tokens (NFTs), empowering users to unlock valuable content and further fuel AI customization.

Prompt engineering has emerged as a sought-after role in the tech industry, optimizing AI tools and fine-tuning models to deliver accurate and suitable outputs. Companies are recognizing the value of prompt engineers and their ability to extract optimal results from generative AI. While generative AI tools empower individuals with immense power, the challenge lies in maintaining unique expression and creativity, as well as gaining a competitive advantage. Prompt engineers play a crucial role in addressing this challenge by utilizing their human judgment and communication skills to fine-tune AI-generated work, capturing the right context and nuance that current AI technology may fall short of.

Generaitiv acknowledges the importance of prompt engineering and has launched a platform that safeguards prompt engineers' research and experience through Prompt Masking. Prompt Masking conceals the full prompt input supplied during inference, protecting prompt engineers' intellectual property while allowing end users to customize parameters and variables. As AI and machine learning technologies continue to advance, prompt engineering represents a critical milestone, unlocking possibilities and enhancing the practical utility of advanced AI tools. Platforms like Generaitiv are paving the way for prompt engineers to share and protect their work, shaping the future of AI interaction and leveraging the immense potential of this burgeoning industry.

The Path to Decentralized GPU Computing:

Generaitiv's vision extends beyond the Stage 2 Update. The Generaitiv Decentralized Compute Network (GDCN) aims to create a decentralized GPU network run by the community. Node Operators are incentivized to contribute their GPU compute power, enhancing the network's performance and capabilities. Users can submit tasks for completion using the GAI token, which represents GPU compute time. This entire process operates on a low-cost Layer 2 network, facilitated by a token bridge that streamlines the flow of tokens across layers.

Looking Ahead: Stage 3 and Beyond:

Stage 2 of Generaitiv's roadmap lays the foundation for the highly anticipated Stage 3. In this phase, along with the mentioned GDCN, Generaitiv will introduce features such as direct editing of AI-generated photos, image-to-image generation, and other groundbreaking functionalities. These tools will position Generaitiv as a certified leader in generative AI and blockchain, offering users unique opportunities to explore the limitless potential of AI customization.

Final Thoughts:

Generaitiv's Stage 2 marks a significant milestone in the AI and WEB3 industry, with the introduction of $GAI Staking, Prompt Masking, Model Analytics, and Model Provenance. These enhancements redefine the boundaries of AI customization, empowering users, and fostering collaboration. With a clear vision for a decentralized future and a commitment to innovation, Generaitiv paves the way for the seamless integration of AI and decentralized finance, revolutionizing the way we interact with and leverage AI technologies. As the Stage 2 Update approaches in mere days, the global cryptocurrency community eagerly awaits the dawn of a new era in AI-powered generation and decentralized computing.

Head over to the platform and take part in building the future.
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Jason Hatton
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SOURCE: Generaitiv

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