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Gelatys: Revolutionizing the Gelato Industry One Stick at a Time

Thursday, 16 May 2024 12:45 PM

MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / May 16, 2024 / In a recent dialogue with Adolfo Heller, the visionary founder of Gelatys, we uncovered how a modest idea has blossomed into a revolution within the United States' gelato industry. Boasting a presence in over 3,500 stores across 26 states and partnerships with giants like Whole Foods, Target, Fresh Market, and Publix, Gelatys has redefined what it means to offer an artisan product on a grand scale.

Adolfo Heller, the founder of Gelatys

Seven years ago, Heller, deeply embedded in the retail world, embarked on the challenge of bringing a novel gelato experience to the American market. "Our ambition was to be pioneers," Heller explains, referring to the launch of the first Gelato-on-a-stick stores in shopping malls. This ambition drove him to travel bi-weekly from Chile to the U.S. to set up a factory, develop over 60 unique flavors, and overcome logistical challenges - all naturally.

The journey was not without its trials, especially with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced Gelatys to pivot towards the mass market due to the closure of shopping malls. "However, the trade-friendly policies in Florida, and in Miami in particular, allowed our factory and our business to continue operating without interruption," Heller states proudly.

What sets Gelatys apart in the market is its unique value proposition: offering a high-quality artisan product to the mass market. As an engineer with a passion for machinery, Heller had to design and build custom machinery to scale production without losing artisanal quality. "There are no machines capable in the market of making our product," he remarks on the challenge. This innovation includes decoration machines utilizing 3D chocolate printing technology, among others.

Looking to the future, Heller's vision is clear: to propel Gelatys to $100 million in sales in the coming years, maintaining its uniqueness against large competitors. "Gelatys represents the future because we are redefining what it means to offer an artisan product on a large scale," he asserts confidently. Moreover, the fact that all products are 100% produced in their Miami factory is not only a source of local pride but also enhances their product nationally and internationally through the brand and cultural diversity of Miami.

The story of Gelatys is one of innovation, adaptability, and above all, an unwavering passion for delivering memorable experiences to consumers. As it continues to lead the industry, offering quality products and supporting its community, Gelatys is not just a company selling gelato; it's a testament to entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to reinvent itself in the face of challenges.

For Adolfo Heller and his team at Gelatys, the future is bright, flavorful, and most importantly, made with love. And for those of us following their journey, it's a reminder that even the sweetest ideas can grow into empires with the right passion, vision, and effort.

About Gelatys

Gelatys, the creator of the first gelato pop in the United States, strives to make every day memorable. Since 2016, it has been delighting customers with gelato pops that are consistently creamy, come in crowd-pleasing flavors and with mouth-watering fillings, and have unique shapes. Each pop is handcrafted with care, ensuring ordinary moments are made extraordinary. To learn more about Gelatys and its 60+ flavors, please visit or contact:

Caroline Villarreal
[email protected]

SOURCE: Gelatys

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